Sunday, June 19, 2005

Banks Committs Team To Community Service

By Peter Shea District Chair 9650 for Community Service

Nambucca Heads Rotary Club's commitment to Community Service will return large dividends according to new president Dave Banks.

Dave Banks is the incoming President for the Rotary Club of Nambucca Heads. In his presidential speech in his response to the outgoing President’s toast he has committed the club to an active program in the local community. I have included Dave’s goals as he presented them at the Changeover. This article is included on to share with the other clubs in District 9650.

Presidential Presentation 2005 Nambucca Heads Rotary Club.

I propose to make 2005/06 another great year for Rotary at Nambucca Heads
My theme will be “Rotary & our Community”. With this theme in mind I want to have Rotary assist local community groups to become more self funding & to attract Government grants where possible.

By Rotary assisting many community group funding schemes, our Rotary Club will be seen as a motivated Community group.

The upkeep of the Gordon Park BBQ will as of July 1 become the responsibility of VRA Sea Rescue. The funds generated will pass through Rotary & be presented to VRA as a donation

The Bowraville Phoenix have been allocated $ 2,500 to assist them to become more self funding. We will be involved in several projects, including improvements the restaurant .

The Bowraville Central School owns 10 plastic canoes, I would forecast that if the canoes are not replaced 2 at a time they will all become unseaworthy & unusable.
I want to arrange a manager to hire & maintain these canoes. Rotary Nambucca will assist in raising funds.

The Car Sales Project will involve local community groups to assist in self funding themselves & will provide a great focus for Rotary in the local community.

I want to look at Ern Hunters respite care services situation to see where we can help.

After being Director for New Generations this year I now have a better understanding of how to make use of Rotary Programes, and want to enthuse and promote more youth with the help of Errol Noble.

I would like to see Nambucca Rotary participate in a FAIM trip to the South Pacific region this year.

The Rotary Services sign at Nambucca turnoff is in a poor state, I have contacted Country Energy to provide us with 2 poles to replace the existing. A working Bee with the other Services clubs will be arranged.

A Bridge to Bridge novelty race day at Macksville with Macksville Rotary and the four Lions Clubs will be promoted during the warmer months

A one day Mystery bus tour is being organised. Destination is a secret

We need all interested members to assist with the various committee directors.
My primary objective this year is to have a good time at Rotary as the President & make it enjoyable for all other members. I would like to achieve positive exposure for our Rotary Club & to encourage new members.

Thank you,

Dave Banks