Meet Community Service Director Bob Gilligan
Meet our Directors series by Peter Shea.
Bob Gilligan Community Service Director Wauchope Rotary Club 2005-2006.
Bob Gilligan married to Anne with two children eldest daughter Julia married to Glenn Peterson and they have two sons. Connor 3 and Zac 16mths. Youngest daughter Rochelle and her partner Luke White. Both daughters live in Port Macquarie. I have lived at my current address for 9 years and previously lived in Kempsey for 16 years. I have worked in the Finance industry f0r 40 years. The last 25 with Credit Unions and of that time 4 years with Holiday Coast. My wife and I enjoy Cycling and Kayaking and we also enjoy our outings on my Motorcycle with my fellow Ulyssians. I have been in Rotary for five years and have held the positions of Attendance Officer, Secretary, President, ElectPresident, Secretary and this year Community Service Director.
Rotary Club Wauchope---Community Service Activities---2005-2006
Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Marke each Saturday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
5th & 6th 4WD Show
Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
25th Garden Club BBQ
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
26th Australia day
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Bowel Scan—date as per Rotary calendar
Sports Award—date to be announced
Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Clean Up Australia—1st weekend
2nd week Lasiandra Festival
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
18th Anzac Dinner
Wauchope Show after Easter
Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Red Shield Appeal—to be announced
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Antiques & Collectables—date to be announced
Update 31/08/05
Literacy Month our members do reading sessions with the kids.
I would like to have all the Rotary Clubs in the Hastings area worktogether to promote the construction of Bike/Walking trails that linkall the towns such as Port, Lake Cathie, Bonny Hills, Kew, Kendall, Wauchope, Beechwood. This would be a fantastic tourism project that would help the tourism in the smaller communities.
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