Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Meet Community Service Directors Dusty & Mary-Ann

Meet the Directors Series by Peter Shea
Dusty Walkom Community Service Director (left)
& Mary-Ann Bromhead Community Service Director

The Rotary Club of Taree on Manning

The club was Chartered in 1991 at the instigation of former DG Dennis Young, with a view to having a lunch time club that promotes women as members.

The club meets Wednesday’s at 1pm and its membership of 28 has 11 women members including President Meagan Buckley, Secretary and President Elect Carolyn Wilson.

Last year the club raised $40,000 to assist Chatham High School purchase a bus to cater for the regions disabled high school students, who participate in the special program at Chatham High.

This year, the major project is to support the Friends of the Manning Regional Art Gallery (FOGGS) raise a similar amount for extensions to the Gallery.

The projects so far agreed to be implemented are:

1) Bowel Scan
2) Clean up Australia
3) Australia Day Celebrations ( Billy Tea stand)
4) Gaming Night 22nd October at K mart
5) Jazz in the Dixon Gardens last Saturday in November
6) Business House Swimming Relay 6th December ( to support Surf Life Saving)
7) Easter Chocolate Raffle