Thank You
Comments Are Appreciated.
By Peter Shea District Chair (Elect) for 2005-2006.
It has been a great pleasure to receive the positve comments and best wishes of fellow Rotarians by email.
However, I hope this Blogspot will become an interactive zone for great ideas and Rotary camaraderie so please feel free to leave you thoughts and ideas on the Blog. At the end of each article there is the word "comment" and an image of a pencil, so please click on this area and leave your comments.
Once again if you have a particular interest please feel free to contribute an article. If you would like to research one of the lesser known areas of Community Service and publish an article please feel free to do so. Below is a list of lesser known or maybe not as well supported District
Projects: -
- Assistance for Elderly.
- Life Education.
- Red Sheild Appeal Participation.
- Hope for the Children.
- Red Cross Blood Bank Support.
- Australian Cord Blood Bank.
- Suicide Prevention.
- District Awards.
- Millennium Foundation.
- Melanoma and Skin Cancer Research.
- The Rotary Shelter Box Program.
- Wheelchair Foundation.
- The Australian Rotary Health Research Fund (ARHRF)
- Bowelscan
- Camp Quality
- Prostrate Cancer
- Medialert
- Interplast
- Rotary Overseas Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC)
- Westpac Rescue Helicopter
- The Kevin Hardes Rotary Blood Bank Foundation
- Australia Day Celebrations.
- The Special Construction Project your club is involved with.
- Community Service Awards.
- Drought Relief.
- Citizenship Awards.
A lot of what can be found on this blog is in the KwickStart Planning Manual but I hope this blogspot will become a quick ready reference for this material for those that can't find their manual or those who have never heard of such a manual.
If there is a desperate community need in your community that you think is not being addressed then write an article and submit it for publication on this blogspot.
If you have any contributions regarding format or presentation of the blogspot or areas of interest that could be covered even some humorous stories, jokes or pictures and cartoons that would add to the tone of the blogspot they would be appreciated.
If you don't have time to write an article but have some interesting news drop me an email or give me a call on 65683359 and we will write it up for you.
For a great Powerpoint presentation click on the following web site address, and follow through until you come to Community Service.
Become a Rotarian Blogger today and submit a thought or two to promote "service above self" in District 9650.
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