A Virtual Tour
Rotary Internet Fund Raising Tour
By Peter Shea Overall Chair for Community Service District 9650.
This tour is put together for District Service Directors to share ideas for fund raising to support community service activities and projects with your club.
Get comfortable, grab the mouse and click for a great fact finding mission.
http://rotarnet.com.au/ = photo competition.
http://www.adelaiderotary.com.au/ = fund raising activities.
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~rcbairn/projects2.html = fund raising Bairnsdale.
http://www.sundaymarket.com.au/ = Sunday markets.
http://rotarnet.com.au/users/9/96904/Community_Service_proj.htm =blacktown city.
http://www.darwin.d9550.rotary.org.au/ = choc wheel.
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~rcelwick/projects.htm = rock and roll. http://www.rotarnet.com.au/users/9/96814/epping/caravan.html = caravan and trailers.
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~rcess/ = original fund raiser.
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~rcess/ = acknowledge sponsers.
http://www.rotary9790.org.au/digest/05june/finley.htm = old cars.
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~gleneira/ = video.
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~glenferr/farmers.htm = farmers market.
I’m working through the directory and only a bout one-third through so come again for a continuing development of this Fund Raising Study Tour.
Other Tours planned are: -
General Round Australia Tour of great websites.
A Tour of Community Service Projects and Activities and profiles of Community Service Directors.
Check out the previous article "Thank You" for a virtual tour of sites for the promotion of Rotary projects undertaken by local clubs in District 9650.
Any good ideas are appreciated please added your input through the comments section or email to petershea@tsn.cc.
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