Thursday, November 03, 2005

New Name For Adding To Favourites

Please note no further posting will be added to this site. This site will now be known as please advise the members of your club of this change.

Peter Shea

Overall Chair Community Service Rotary District 9650

Monday, October 31, 2005

Name Change

Please note there will be a name change of this site to fit into Rotary International Policy and to indicate the connection to District 9650.

I have had some trouble connecting to the internet recently and I need to think of the most approriate configuration so please bear with me.


Peter Shea

Overall Chair for Community Service District 9650

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Just Relaxing--forget the fishing.

Yes that's us on the Chinese Junk, The Dragon Pearl. No time for fishing just laying back in the breeze talking to other Auzzie travellers enjoying 8 course dinners and long cool drinks, with a with visits to tops of tiny islands and a cave or two.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing----by Peter Shea

My apologies for not getting this article up for publication earlier. My wife and I have been on a retirement holiday in, Spain, the Mediterranean, Thailand and now Vietnam. I was hoping to manage the blog while traveling but it has not worked out that way until being located in Phrae Thailand. The cost of blogging while on Cruise was about $50.00 an hour, $US.50 a minute and some hotels in Spain not much better.

We are staying in a hotel over an extended period of time, while visiting family, this hotel is owned by a Rotarian who also has a computer business and has set us up with all the equipment I need, for $6.00 a day, including all day use of computer and free access to internet. I noticed in the Bangkok Post, there is an acticle from one of the journalist complaining about the big flashy hotels charging exhorbinate rates for internet usage. Our Host is to be congratulated for his service to travellers.

I won't be back in Australia until mid October and so won't have any further blogs until then.

The Rotary club that meets at PhoomThaiGarden Hotel Phrae, Thailand has just completed a friendship exchange to Alaska and are very keen to come to Australia.

So until I get back to the land of Oz this site will remain much as it is.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


ROMAC Eastern Region Meeting by Peter Shea

On Saturday the 27th August, at Rotary Down Under, I attended a meeting of ROMAC. I have always been impressed by the miracles of the surgical teams that have attended to the almost unbelievable problems that some young children have to contend with in their lives.

At this meeting, I witnessed another mircale and that was the organisational and management skills and dedication that is necessary for the surgical miracles to happen.

I intended to take my camera and take a photo of the Rotarians present at the meeting. I travelled down from Nambuca Heads on Friday evening and after visiting family on Saturday morning, driving a son-in-law half way across Sydney. After these family committments I left for the meeting but got stuck in real traffic congestion and from then on was running late, got flustered and forgot the camera.

I will try to do better next time.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind each Community Service Director to give due consideration to supporting ROMAC in the Rotary year 2005-2006.

For more information contact Lloyd Roever on 02 96306974 or
or Phill Isaacs 61 408 966173 or

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Meet Community Service Director Max Cathcart

Meet The Directors Series by Peter Shea.

Tamworth First Light Rotary Club.

Max to supply Community Service outline.

Thanks Max looking forward to your input.

The Wow Factor

A local world class artist Elle Neil, multi award winning Quilt Artist, shares her creative skills with Nambucca Heads Rotary Club at the Nambucca Valley Phoenix.

The above quilt won First Prize at the leading world forum for Quilting in America. From being told "you can't" to one of the Top Ten Quilters in the world, in six years. This presentation was enthralling for all present and Elle is willing to be a guest speaker at Rotary Clubs. I throughly recommend Elle as one of the best Guest Speaker presentations, I've been priviledged to hear and see in this case.

Contact Elle:

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

ARHRF Committee Plans for 2005-2006

Off To A Flying Start. Photos and Article by Peter Shea.

Robert Anderson, Paul Ying, Alan Grady, Jane Bradford and Lindsay Wilkins
Stewart Faulks, Jo Wilkins, Peter McNeill, Geoff Fuller and Vicki Cooper.
Not in Photo-Pam Anderson and Maisie Grady

Sunday the 24th August in Tamworth Paul Ying hands over the baton of Chairmanship to Lindsay Wilkins who is off to a flying start.

Congratulations to Paul for his leadership over the past few years and hearty best wishes for Lindsay as he leads the District 9650 Australian Rotary Health Research Fund (ARHRF) Committee during District Governor Jane Bradford's year. Paul hands over the reins with a distinguished record of service above self.
District 9650 is third out of 26 Regions in Australia in its contributions to ARHRF we are certainly punching above our weight in our committment to ARHRF.

We were fortunate to have one of the Directors Alan Grady (Maisie) of ARHRF give an informing presentation of the work and structure of ARHRF.

Paul offers his services as a guest speaker for ARHRF and so will be added to our guest speaker list.

Stewart Faulks offers his services as a guest speaker for Prostrate Cancer Awareness, Stewart is Chairman for the Prostrate Cancer Committee.

It should be remembered that the Assistant Governors and District Chairpersons are ideal speakers to consider for club meetings.

Nambucca Valley Phoenix Ltd & Rotary

Working Together With The Local Community by Peter Shea and Photos by Bob Andersen.

Simon Dent, Dave Banks, Paul Daniels, Peter Shea
John Postle, Linda Paccin, Tony Bradbury and Len Moss
Bob Andersen not in photo.
Nambucca Valley Phoenix is our local Valley Work Service that employs people with an intellectual disabiliity and provides training to assist them to work in the community. They can provide people with a disability to work in your business either as a full award wages after training or at a Productivity Wages. Nambucca Heads Rotary Club is working with Nambucca Phoenix to refurish the building both inside and out.

Scaffolding donated by Simon Dent of Top Gun Scaffolding. Labour by Nambucca Heads Rotary Club.

Meet Community Service Directors Dusty & Mary-Ann

Meet the Directors Series by Peter Shea
Dusty Walkom Community Service Director (left)
& Mary-Ann Bromhead Community Service Director

The Rotary Club of Taree on Manning

The club was Chartered in 1991 at the instigation of former DG Dennis Young, with a view to having a lunch time club that promotes women as members.

The club meets Wednesday’s at 1pm and its membership of 28 has 11 women members including President Meagan Buckley, Secretary and President Elect Carolyn Wilson.

Last year the club raised $40,000 to assist Chatham High School purchase a bus to cater for the regions disabled high school students, who participate in the special program at Chatham High.

This year, the major project is to support the Friends of the Manning Regional Art Gallery (FOGGS) raise a similar amount for extensions to the Gallery.

The projects so far agreed to be implemented are:

1) Bowel Scan
2) Clean up Australia
3) Australia Day Celebrations ( Billy Tea stand)
4) Gaming Night 22nd October at K mart
5) Jazz in the Dixon Gardens last Saturday in November
6) Business House Swimming Relay 6th December ( to support Surf Life Saving)
7) Easter Chocolate Raffle