Community Service
District Community Service
Overall Chairman
Peter Shea (Barbara)
Rotary Club of Nambucca Heads
192 Talarm Rd
Planning For 2005-2006
Community Service, Rotary's third avenue of service comprises varied efforts that Rotarians make to improve the quality of life of those who live within their club's community. The community service overall chairman assists the following committees: District 9650 Camp Quality, ARHRF, Bowelscan Program, Prostrate Cancer, Medialert , Kevin Hardes Blood bank Foundation, Interplast and ROMAC, and Westpac Helicopter Fund Raising.
As the overall chair I'm asking all clubs to consider each one of the District Projects, even the lesser known ones as listed in the "Thank You" article to be found on this site, at a Board meeting and to rule them out after they have been considered on their merits. It is very reasonable to believe each club cannot commit to each project, however, it would be good to know each project was considered and ruled out because of a lack of finance or personnel rather than it was not considered because the club has never considered that particular program before or because nobody has heard about some of the projects.
Some projects don't need a commitment of money but they do need personnel to sell the idea to the key stakeholders in the community. See Terry Hagley's article on MediAlert.
For more information contact the Assistant Governor for your zone or the chair person for the respective committees as on pages 32-35 of the District 9650 Information Directory. Or it might be that their is a member of the club would like to research one of these projects and presented their findings to the club as a community service awareness project.
I would also like to publish on this site a profile of each club's program for 2005-2006 with a picture of the Community Service Director.
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