John Burkey Past District Governor 2003-2004 District 9650
Some pointers towards a good performance.
Get to know your community… its boundaries, population, its industries.
Get to know the high profile people… Mayor, councilors, medics etc.
List your schools and various clubs (scouts, Guides, sporting etc)
Listen carefully to your guest speakers at Rotary.
Your club members area good source of local information.
Having noted the above, make a list of possible projects…..Rotary parks, fixtures for sporting grounds and arenas, BBQ;s close to leisure areas (seaside, river, etc)
Shelters in parklands or school bus areas.
Special events for the community, pony camps, picnic days, pet shows with celebrity vet.
Breakfast in the park (or the mall, by the lake etc). Longest lunch. (tables end to end to form a long line of people having lunch… can be coupled with Guiness book of records attempt for longest lunch… kite flying, art shows, raffles, auctions. Many of these are good fundraisers.
Any of the above should help to generate good ideas and any idea is worth discussing.
Some DO’s and Don’ts
DO..Use events for fundraising if it is reasonable to do so.
DO publicise your Rotary club at each event or project.
DO let the public know that fund s raised will go to Rotary projects.
DO look for sponsors AND acknowledge them
DON’T give money unless you can identify the use of the money and get credit for your involvement. This includes handing out money to other charity organisations.
DON’T forget to leave some money for RI.. Foundation ROMAC.. and ARHRF
DON’T announces a project without having a budget that can be managed.
NOTE. This is no more than a bit of a guide. I hope it helps. Your committee will develop a set of plans better suited to your own community.
John Burkey