Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Meet Community Service Director Rod Mackenzie

Meet the Directors Series by Peter Shea

Rod Mackenzie is Community Service Director for The Rotary Club of Woolgoolga.

Some of their current projects are:

Rotary Auction Monthly. Auctioning donated second hand goods first Sat each month.
Bowel Scan
Rotary Fish Auction
Woolgoolga Senior Citizens Centre


Rod Mackenzie

Monday, July 18, 2005

Guest Speaker List--Newest Addition

Frederick Millard, Secretary of Nambucca Heads Rotary Club 2005-2006.

Frederick has offered his services as a Guest Speaker or Consultant on People to People. See ealier blog.

Meet Community Service Director Ann-Maree Crowe

Meet the Directors Series by Peter Shea

Ann-Maree Crowe Community Sevice Director Port Macquarie Sunrise Rotary Club 2005-2006.

Community Service Forth coming projects:

BBQ for Rugby Union semi finals - late August
Golf Day 23 September
Steptoe Sale 8 October
ARHRF Safari Day Sponsor Promotion advice – Rotary Health Safari in Port on Wednesday 30 November – a combined Rotary event will be co-odinated by Port Macquarie Club and advice provided in the future
Bowelscan – Feb March 06
Sports Awards – March 06

This is Ann-Maree's second term as Community Service Director and she was President last year.

Ann-Maree Crowe-Marketing & Events
PO Box 1372
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
Ph/Fax 02 65838116
Mob 0412311983
Email: amcrowe@bigpond.net.au
Specialising in Marketing, Business, Event & Project Management

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Meet Community Service Director John Read

The Directors Series by Peter Shea.

John Read Community Service Director Gloucester Rotary Club 2005-2006.

Community Service Projects

Regular BBQ at Community Markets
Run the annual "Glen Cush" Camellia Garden Open Day
BBQ catering at the Gloucester Show
BBQ catering at the "To-Day" Show visit to Gloucester
Blood Donations at Easter & Christmas
Maintenance of Carson's Lookout in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Walcha
Manning checkpoints and BBQ catering at the annual Triathlon
Active participation in Bowel Scan
Participate in and support the Cancer Councils "Relay For Life"
Support the Red Shield Appeal with active participation
Construction of a car park at the local nursing home (subject to local Council involvement)
Assist with the catering at Australia Day celebrations
Run an annual "Opera In The Church" weekend
Active participation in Clean Up Australia Day
Cater breakfast and lunch for the District Little Athletics day
Man the entry gate at the Gloucester Show over two days

John Read
Phone: 65581064
Email: jobara@bigpond.com

Friday, July 15, 2005

Guest Speakers List for District 9650

The Guest Speaker List by Peter Shea.

This Blog is being created to provide a list of speakers willing to speak to Rotary Clubs in District 9650. The first offer has been made by Geoff Gaylard and of course this is subject to availability of time, distance etc.

Geoff's area of expertise is Classic Sports Cars. animalsnmore@hotmail.com
Fredrick Millar is available to speak on People To People (Cultural Exchange Program) can also be a Fund Raiser. fmillard@tsn.cc

Please feel free to submit your details through the comments hyperlink. If you know any good speakers please recommend them and don't just leave it up to the speakers to nominate themselves.

I will be attempting to list here speakers who will speak at your club on the District Community Service projects i.e Interplast, Kevin Hardes Rotary Blood Bank Foundation, ROMAC, ARHRF etc, as well as special interest, hobbies or whatever.

For instance there might be a member who could speak on organising annual professional conferences in the Greek Isles.

This is not a new idea because as I was writing this blog a google search provided the following Rotary website. http://www.madison.com/communities/speakersbank/

Meet Community Service Director Bob Gilligan

Meet our Directors series by Peter Shea.

Bob Gilligan Community Service Director Wauchope Rotary Club 2005-2006.

Bob Gilligan married to Anne with two children eldest daughter Julia married to Glenn Peterson and they have two sons. Connor 3 and Zac 16mths. Youngest daughter Rochelle and her partner Luke White. Both daughters live in Port Macquarie. I have lived at my current address for 9 years and previously lived in Kempsey for 16 years. I have worked in the Finance industry f0r 40 years. The last 25 with Credit Unions and of that time 4 years with Holiday Coast. My wife and I enjoy Cycling and Kayaking and we also enjoy our outings on my Motorcycle with my fellow Ulyssians. I have been in Rotary for five years and have held the positions of Attendance Officer, Secretary, President, ElectPresident, Secretary and this year Community Service Director. bgilligan@hccu.com.au

Rotary Club Wauchope---Community Service Activities---2005-2006

Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Marke each Saturday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
5th & 6th 4WD Show
Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
25th Garden Club BBQ
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
26th Australia day
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Bowel Scan—date as per Rotary calendar
Sports Award—date to be announced
Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Clean Up Australia—1st weekend
2nd week Lasiandra Festival
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
18th Anzac Dinner
Wauchope Show after Easter
Comboyne Tip Program each Sunday
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Red Shield Appeal—to be announced
Farmer’s Market each Saturday
Antiques & Collectables—date to be announced

Update 31/08/05

Literacy Month our members do reading sessions with the kids.

I would like to have all the Rotary Clubs in the Hastings area worktogether to promote the construction of Bike/Walking trails that linkall the towns such as Port, Lake Cathie, Bonny Hills, Kew, Kendall, Wauchope, Beechwood. This would be a fantastic tourism project that would help the tourism in the smaller communities.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Meet Community Service Director Geoff Gaylard

Meet our Directors series by Peter Shea.

Geoff Gaylard Nambucca Heads Rotary Club Community Service Director 2004-2005 & 2005-2006.
Geoff was born and raised in Geelong, Victoria and attended Geelong Grammar.

Geoff travelled the world for 2 years and then went into Banking. From Banking he went into the Tourist and Travel industry for 25 years.

He was a foundation member of the Geelong Central Club established in 1990. Geoff has served as Youth and Community Service Director and Sergeant a couple of times. He moved to Talarm in 2004 and the club was lucky to have him take up the Community Service portfolio to meet an urgent need to fill a vacancy.

Geoff with his partner Louise is in the process of setting up a pet shop in Macksville called AnimalsnMore, he also shows dogs and is hiring out Camping Trailers. Geoff has a special interest in Classic Sports Cars.

Interplast Ambassador Extraordinaire

Interplast Australia by District 9650 Interplast Chairman (2004-2005 & 2005-2006) Barry Hacker.

Editor's note: The District Directory has Peter Shea as Chairman for this committee but it should read as Barry Hacker. Barry has done a great job in promoting Interplast and this was clearly demonstrated at the 2004-2005 District Assembly in Armidale this year, I personally was very impressed by the efort put into the Interplast display. Barry is also serving as Club Service overall Chairman 2005-2006.

Approximately 30 years ago, an American Plastic surgeon by the name of Dr Don Laud went to Mexico. While he was there, he saw a small boy living in a chook house. Why was he locked away in a chook house? Well it was because he was born with a Cleft Lip and Palate. In some countries these unfortunate people are treated as outcasts. They are regarded as an embarrassment to the family. So they are lock away out of sight. On finding this young person living in the chook house, Dr Laud arranged to take him back to Stanford University.

Following this experience, Dr Laud set up a program called Interplast America. Interplast meaning International Plastic Surgeons.

A plastic surgeon from Melbourne volunteered his services and went on one of the American projects. He was so impressed with the program, he came back to Australia and introduced the idea to Australian Rotarians. In 1983 the first team from Interplast Australia went to Samoa fully funded by Australian Rotary Clubs.

Since its beginnings in Australia, Interplast programs have been extended to include; Papua New Guinea, The Phillipines, Vietnam, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Interplast Australia is set up as a company limited by guarantee. It has a Board of Directors consisting of Rotarians, 3 members from the Australian College of Surgeons and one independent member.

To date more than 500 volunteers have conducted over 300 programs, comprising over 23000 consultations and more than 13000 operations. Due to the seriousness and dangers involved, more than 40 patients have had to be brought back to Australia for their operations.

2005 is a very special year for all Rotarians. This is the year we will celebrate 100 years of service. Your District Governor would like us all to remember 2005 by doing something special in celebrating our centenary.

This Rotary District has never sponsored an Interplast Team which consists of two plastic surgeons, an anaesthetist and a nurse who are all volunteers. The cost in sending a team outalong with their medical equipment is $32,000. This represent only $600 per Rotary Club in this District or less than $19 per Rotarian.

A Past President of Rotary International was once asked why he was a Rotarian. He answer was, “ as a human being I can not do everything for everyone everywhere, but as a Rotarian I can do something for someone somewhere.”

A donation of $600 from each Club in this District will change the lives of at least 50 unfortunate people. People who would have been treated as social outcasts for the rest of their lives. Unless all 56 Club take part in this program this District will not be able to sponsor a complete Interplast Team.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Coffs Harbour Daybreak Community Service--Annual Report.

By Carol Austin 2004-2005 Community Service Director--sharing our year with 9650.

The Committee looked at a number of projects for the year however time ran out before all could be completed. Many of our projects were fund raisers which left little time this year for purely community activities.

Recipe Book - To Celebrate 100 years Of Rotary 1905–2005 - We produced a recipe book that will always be unique to our Rotary Daybreak Club. I would like to thank all those Rotarians and friends who supported us in this project, the original concept being created for the Centenary of Australia in 2001 when 500 copies were printed and sold. We gave it a new cover, increased the number of recipes and graphics and added the very special numbered Certificate of Authenticity. Not just a cookbook- but a collection of recipes of the past and present collected for the future, a history with an Australian flavour compiled from contributions from club members, their relatives (past and present) and friends. The standards were set very high, and I think that we did achieve this with minimal cost and a lot of hard work. With Noel Austin doing all the page layout and editing we avoided the high commercial cost of having this produced outside the club – thanks Noel! I had a tremendous amount of fun producing all the drawings for the book also. Feedback has been received describing it as the best recipe book that some have ever seen, and far too cheap! 250 copies were printed, currently very few are left with all profits going to the Towers Of Strength project.

The Combined Annual Playgroup BBQ, at the Jetty Foreshores - Held in perfect weather one October Tuesday morning, because all the little folk have sleep-time by the afternoon. The BBQ kept Noel Austin and myself very busy, feeding hungry parents and helpers. Sausages, bread, tomato sauce, and ice blocks, all together in some cases, plus cans and poppers raised $200.

The Tree of Joy 2004 - Many Thanks to Vincent Joseph for his help in organizing this annual event with assistance from PBP where the public donate gifts for the tree, spreading a little joy for children at Christmas. The St. Vincent de Paul Society in Coffs Harbour distribute the toys for us each year.

Rotary Bowel Scan - March 2005 - 75 kits at $6.00 each were sold this year, at the Ocean Swim, Jetty Markets and within the club.

Trivia Night 2005 - And such a frolic it was on 6th May.at the Catholic Club. TOS profited by over $4,000 on the night. We went with the theme of Flower Power, not so much as a return to the 70’s, but with essence of flowers, their power and life source, and our life source/force for the TOS Project for our children and safety on our beaches. This force was so strong on the night, it was one of the best Trivia nights ever. Thanks to all the team and the club. Special thanks to Noel Austin, Gary Austin, John Townsend, Geoff Booth, Judy Elliot, our markers Ingrid, Judy and Margaret.

We recognize and say thank you for the mammoth efforts of both Loretta Rigby and John Clark for the Towers of Strength project and John also for the Ocean Swim. These projects are under the umbrella of Community Service but because of the enormity of the task at hand, stand alone as individual projects.

Thanks for a year of interesting events, and for the most valued support of our Rotary Daybreak Club. It has been a privilege for me to serve as Community Director this year and I wish Noel all the best for next year.

Safari Hits The Road

Safari co-ordinator Paul Ying, left, Tamworth Rotary Club President Scott Simmons and Newcastle member Gerry Davies take time out from the tour duties in Tamworth.

Safari Diary by Special Safari Correspondent Paul Ying.

The big colourful Winnebago Motorhome and the Peugeot support vehicle arrived at Quirindi, the first stop in District 9650, on Saturday morning at 8.30 am. The team consisting of the Event Manager, John Flower, and Gerry Davies were welcomed by President Shirley Goodwin and Rotarians from Quirindi in rainy conditions, the first time experienced by the team since leaving Sydney. The exhibition was well attended by the morning shoppers, and well supported by Robyn Leece a Rotarian working with the local rural health service. Morning tea and a much appreciated hot lunch were provided by the Rotarians before the Safari headed for Tamworth.

The Safari arrived at the Frog and Toad Restaurant, Tamworth on schedule just before 2 pm. It was a quiet afternoon, an opportunity for the team to wash and tidy up the Winnebago. The Motorhome was specifically fitted for the Safari with all the luxury and comfort to be the home of the team for the next six months, an office with 3 computers set up with all the programs to promote the awareness of mental illness and Rotary information, and a TV loaded with videos for the promotion of the works carried by the Australian Rotary Health Research Fund.

A welcoming dinner was held at the Frog & Toad Restaurant organised by Tamworth North Rotary Club attended by 20 Rotarians and guests. DG Jane officially welcomed the Safari to the District. John Flower was the guest speaker for the night giving the audience an interesting story of his experience in organising Variety Club Bashes, the Sydney 2000 Olympics Torch Relay and the Health Safari.

On Sunday morning the Winnebago was set up in front of the Tamworth Town Hall in Fitzroy Street in a miserably cold and windy condition. The attendance was a bit disappointed possible due to being a Sunday in the school holiday. However, it was good to see the visit of the photographer and journalist from the Northern Daily Leader.

The Team was joined by John and Margaret Stuckey, Rotarians from Warnambool, Victoria.
John was volunteered to be a driver of the Winnebago from Tamworth to Toowoomba for the next fortnight. They were farewell by the Tamworth Rotarians on the way to Gunnedah.

More news next time.

See earlier article Safari update for schedule of Safari tour.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

This Is A Community Project???

Guest of Nambucca Heads Rotary Club for their part in hosting the People to People "Ambassadors".
Back Row: Marty Adams, Phil Atkinson, Ken Welsh, Nigel Elson, Rod Blair, Harry & Mrs (Hidden) Greenwood.
Middle Row: Katy Adams, Leanne Welsh, Carmel Elson, Jackie Blair
Front Row: Peter and Joe Lawler.

Hosting People to People by Special Projects Correspondent Frederick Millard.

When a club first thinks about hosting the People to People “ambassadors” from America. They usually decide it is a fundraising “project” and tend to not consider the community aspect of this great experience.

We at Nambucca heads have just hosted for our eighth year and would like to share with other clubs our views and ideas.

Forty young American students with four teachers from a state, but not representing any particular school arrive late afternoon. The bus pulls up and you greet these young people who are travelling Australia for 3 weeks to “see” as President Eisenhower planned the other peoples of the world.

The twenty two host families are there with you. They meet and greet and take their instant sons/daughters back to their homes.

The next day as a club you plan some events if needed, but at least a great get together in the late afternoon, a BBQ, a Party, a Dance anything that creates camaraderie.
The next morning you sadly meet the bus and farewell the young people who you will definitely miss. Job done Money raised, but is that all you have done.

You have exposed 22 new families in your community to another culture and to Rotary; you have brought into your region money from outside of your community and not had to sell one ticket. You have shown Americans something special about your area and its people. You have earned money to spend on the youth projects within your town/region and you have supported the concept that to see another people another country is to promote goodwill and understanding.

In the Nambucca region we have encouraged other organisations that need the funds to also host a PTP group and have assisted with contacts and ideas to assist them become more self funding. That also relieves the pressure on community groups to give from depleted coffers. Remember each coach results in $3,700.00 coming to the club.

Now, we in Nambucca regard our PTP in a very different way, and yes it is definitely community based. This meeting night we have invited the host families to our meeting as a thankyou at no cost of course. Ten couples have said yes, we wonder if any of them will want to join us now they know about us. THINK ABOUT IT.

Monday, July 04, 2005

What Is A Blog?---Revisited

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Since Blogger was launched, almost five years ago, blogs have reshaped the web, impacted politics, shaken up journalism, and enabled millions of people to have a voice and connect with others.
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Richard Torbay Recognises Rotary's Contribution

Richard Torbay Member for Northern Tablelands with Jane Bradford District Governor 2005-2006 for District 9650.

By Richard Torbay, who said, "I am very conscious of the outstanding work carried out by Rotarians and congratulate the Rotarians of District 9650 on their many achievements at a local, national and international level."

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Safari Update

By Paul Ying Safari Coordinator. Paul was previous Chairman for ARHRF. It was a delight to received Paul's report at the Armidale Rotary Assembly with the inspiring accounts of ARHRF success under his leadership.

Lindsay Wilkins (present Chairman) is still away, but will be back shortly. I have not spoken to him regarding the ARHRF programs for the year, however, the Safari will probably be the main activity for the next 6 months. The attached "Safari Activities" file shows the period when the Safari would be in D9650 with the detailed July programs planned.


July, 2005 - Through Inland D9650 DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS-- NAME, PHONE, FAX MOBILE provided.

8th JULY day 8 FRIDAY Scone O/N D9670 to act.

9th JULY day 9 SATURDAY Quirindi Display AM Quirindi Club will try to arrange local Mental Health Officers to participate - light refreshment. Shirley Goodwin 6746 1294 (h)

Tamworth Display PM and Dinner Meeting at

Frog & Toad Restaurant, Goonoo Goonoo Road
Tamworth O/N Paul Ying 6762 0933 (h) 0422 881 490
10th JULY 10 SUNDAY Tamworth Display AM at Town Hall,

Fitzroy Street & BBQ Lunch.
Paul Ying 6762 0933 (h)
0422 881 490

Gunnedah (+Boggabri) Combined Gunnedah clubs will arrange

a Sunday dinner Gunnedah O/N Col Burnes 6742 1501 (w)

11th JULY day 11 MONDAY Gunnedah Display AM. Members will assist Display
Col Burnes 6742 2891 (h) 6742 2891
Barraba Display PM May be just a BBQ lunch/afternoon tea. It's a long drive from Gunnedah to Uralla (+Manilla) Dick Bowman 6782 1161 (h) 6782 1278
Uralla-Dinner Meeting Uralla O/N Lynn McClenahan 6778 4383 6778 3634

12th JULY day 12 TUESDAY Armidale Display AM (+ Guyra)

Media-Armidale AM Club Armidale O/N

13th JULY day 13 WEDNESDAY Glen Innes Display AM. D9640 to act
combined Inverell clubs dinner meeting Inverell O/N Des Adams 6721 5450.

14th JULY day14 THURSDAY Inverell Display. Members will assist display.
Des Adams 6721 5450
Warialda Club will arrange evening function Warialda O/N Ken Brookes 6729 1346 (h) 6729 1946.

15th JULY day 15 FRIDAY Warialda Display AM. 3 Winnebago Drivers available from
Warialda to Narrabri Ken Brookes 6729 1346 (h) 6729 1946
Moree Display PM, Harvey Norman Store Possible
Dinner Meeting Moree O/N
Max Whibley 6752 6447
6751 1284 0428 526 441

16th JULY day 16 SATURDAY Narrabri Display 8.30 AM

The Club is finalising the activities with free sausage sizzles.
Dr.BobAnderson67923715 (h) 6792 3275
Narrabri O/N (+Wee Waa) Dr. Bob Anderson 6792 3715 (h) 6792 3275

17th JULY day17 SUNDAY Walgett. Lunch at Walgett RSL Club
Peer Gavel 6828 1417
Lightning Ridge will try to arrange a Mental Health Forum Club Changeover on Mon 18 Lightning Ridge O/N Chris McThan 6829 2446
18th JULY 18 MONDAY Bourke Display PM. O/N D9670 to act

The Safari will be back in D9650 along the coastal regions later in November and December. I have yet to contact these clubs for their programs. You might like to give some new ideas for the program during this period. (Ed note, this offer is also applicable to other Rotarians in District 9650). We hope the early experiences of the Safari will stand us in good stead to handle the growing demands of the Safari after it has been on tour for 4 to 5 months.
Visit the Rotary Health Safari website: www.rotaryhealthsafari.org.au

Contact Details
Phone Numbers Winnebago 0429600041 Peugot Support 0429600042.
email : safari@arhrf.org.au
Event manger John Flower email: johnflower@arhrf.org.au

Tony Windsor Recognises Rotary's Contribution

Tony Windsor with Jane Bradford at Dristrict Governors' Changeover, Armidale NSW, Saturday 23 June, 2005.

Message from Tony Windsor MP, Federal Member for New England, wishing Jane Bradford District Governor 2005-2006 and Rotary continued success.

For over a century, Rotary International has played a vital role in supporting our communities.

Rotary’s motto of “Service above Self” perfectly summarises the tireless dedication and commitment of Rotarians world wide to serving other people and working towards the betterment of the communities in which they reside.

Service clubs such as Rotary are certainly the backbone of our society, recognising important needs within the community and undertaking voluntary action to address those needs.

Much of the work undertaken by Rotarians occurs without fanfare, but without their efforts our communities would not be as we see them today.

On a personal note, in 1983 I was selected as a member of a Rotary Group Study Exchange Team to the Philippines, an experience I will never forget and one that gave me the confidence to stand for Parliament.

I would like to take this opportunity to recognise the outstanding contribution of all Rotarians, thank them for their ongoing efforts and to wish Rotary continued success over the next 100 years and beyond.

Best wishes

Tony Windsor MP
Member for New England

Some Good Ideas on Community Service.

By John Burkey Past District Governor 2003-2004 District 9650

Some pointers towards a good performance.
Get to know your community… its boundaries, population, its industries.
Get to know the high profile people… Mayor, councilors, medics etc.
List your schools and various clubs (scouts, Guides, sporting etc)
Listen carefully to your guest speakers at Rotary.
Your club members area good source of local information.
Having noted the above, make a list of possible projects…..Rotary parks, fixtures for sporting grounds and arenas, BBQ;s close to leisure areas (seaside, river, etc)
Shelters in parklands or school bus areas.
Special events for the community, pony camps, picnic days, pet shows with celebrity vet.
Breakfast in the park (or the mall, by the lake etc). Longest lunch. (tables end to end to form a long line of people having lunch… can be coupled with Guiness book of records attempt for longest lunch… kite flying, art shows, raffles, auctions. Many of these are good fundraisers.

Any of the above should help to generate good ideas and any idea is worth discussing.

Some DO’s and Don’ts
DO..Use events for fundraising if it is reasonable to do so.
DO publicise your Rotary club at each event or project.
DO let the public know that fund s raised will go to Rotary projects.
DO look for sponsors AND acknowledge them
DON’T give money unless you can identify the use of the money and get credit for your involvement. This includes handing out money to other charity organisations.
DON’T forget to leave some money for RI.. Foundation ROMAC.. and ARHRF
DON’T announces a project without having a budget that can be managed.

NOTE. This is no more than a bit of a guide. I hope it helps. Your committee will develop a set of plans better suited to your own community.
John Burkey