Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Assistant Governors 2005-2006

From left to right: Michael Carriggan, John Goldsmith, John Sawyer, Les Jacobs, Lynn McClenahan, Neville Parsons, John Sheppard, Dianne Bennett-Slater and Brodie Shields (District Secretary). Dennis Brown not present.

The District Leadership Team includes the Governor, Governor-elect, Governor-nominee, District Secretary, Treasurer, and Trainer, Rotary Foundation Chair, Assisant Governors, overall committees' chairs and members, Past Governors and club Presidents.

The leadersship team is required to assist the individual Rotary clubs and District committees to function effectively and to advance the Object of Rotary.

The Assistant Governors are able to play and important role in keeping clubs informed of about Community Service so if you have any questions about any aspect of Community Service please feel free to call upon their expertise as they vist your club or make contact as per the District 9650 Information Directory.

Zone 1 Coffs Harbour, Coffs Harbour City, Coffs Harbour Daybreak, Coffs Harbour South, Dorrigo, Sawtell and Woolgoolga.
Diane Bennet-Slater CH Daybreak 66534879 H.

Zone 2 Belligen, Kempsey West, Kempsey, Nambucca Heads and South West Rocks.
John Sheppard Nambucca Heads 65686899 W.

Zone 3 Neville Parsons Wauchope 65853158 H 65808226 W.
Laurieton, Port Macquarie, Port Macquarie-on-Hasting, Port Macquarie Sunrise, Port Macquarie West and Wauchope.

Zone 4 Foster-on-Wallis, Gloucester, Great Lakes, Taree, Taree-on-Manning, Taree North, Tuncurry Foster and Wingham.
Dennis Brown Taree 65538145 H.

Zone 5 Armidale, Armidale AM, Armidale Central, Armidale North, Guyra and Walcha.
Lynn McClenahan Uralla 67784383 H.

Zone 6 Manilla, Quirindi, Tamworth, Tamworth First Light, Tamwort-on-Peel, Tamworth North and Tamworth West.
Les Jacobs Tamworth First Light 67612496 H 67664337 W. Please note there is an underscore between les_jcb.

Zone 7 Boggabri, Coonabarabran, Gunnedah and Gunnedah West.
John Sawyer Coonabarabran 68421081 H.

Zone 8 Barraba, Inverell, Inverell East, Moree, Moree-on-Gwydir and Warialda.
John Goldsmith Inverell 67224488 H.

Zone 9 Coonamble, Lightning Ridge, Narrabri, Walgett and Wee Waa.
Michael Carrigan 67923313 H.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Community Service

District Community Service

Overall Chairman

Peter Shea (Barbara)
Rotary Club of Nambucca Heads
192 Talarm Rd

Planning For 2005-2006

Community Service, Rotary's third avenue of service comprises varied efforts that Rotarians make to improve the quality of life of those who live within their club's community. The community service overall chairman assists the following committees: District 9650 Camp Quality, ARHRF, Bowelscan Program, Prostrate Cancer, Medialert , Kevin Hardes Blood bank Foundation, Interplast and ROMAC, and Westpac Helicopter Fund Raising.

As the overall chair I'm asking all clubs to consider each one of the District Projects, even the lesser known ones as listed in the "Thank You" article to be found on this site, at a Board meeting and to rule them out after they have been considered on their merits. It is very reasonable to believe each club cannot commit to each project, however, it would be good to know each project was considered and ruled out because of a lack of finance or personnel rather than it was not considered because the club has never considered that particular program before or because nobody has heard about some of the projects.

Some projects don't need a commitment of money but they do need personnel to sell the idea to the key stakeholders in the community. See Terry Hagley's article on MediAlert.

For more information contact the Assistant Governor for your zone or the chair person for the respective committees as on pages 32-35 of the District 9650 Information Directory. Or it might be that their is a member of the club would like to research one of these projects and presented their findings to the club as a community service awareness project.

I would also like to publish on this site a profile of each club's program for 2005-2006 with a picture of the Community Service Director.

A Virtual Tour

Rotary Internet Fund Raising Tour

By Peter Shea Overall Chair for Community Service District 9650.

This tour is put together for District Service Directors to share ideas for fund raising to support community service activities and projects with your club.

Get comfortable, grab the mouse and click for a great fact finding mission. = photo competition. = fund raising activities. = fund raising Bairnsdale. = Sunday markets. =blacktown city. = choc wheel. = rock and roll. = caravan and trailers. = original fund raiser. = acknowledge sponsers. = old cars. = video. = farmers market.

I’m working through the directory and only a bout one-third through so come again for a continuing development of this Fund Raising Study Tour.

Other Tours planned are: -

General Round Australia Tour of great websites.
A Tour of Community Service Projects and Activities and profiles of Community Service Directors.

Check out the previous article "Thank You" for a virtual tour of sites for the promotion of Rotary projects undertaken by local clubs in District 9650.

Any good ideas are appreciated please added your input through the comments section or email to

Monday, June 27, 2005


A Great Idea

By Terry Hagley Committee Member of MediAlert.

Regarding MediAlert--could I suggest that each district Rotary Club be asked to request their local Pharmacy and/or Doctors' surgeries to hold a supply of the information brochures.

A news item in the local paper regarding Rotary support of this community service would be informative for the local community and a plug for Rotary.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Thank You

Comments Are Appreciated.

By Peter Shea District Chair (Elect) for 2005-2006.

It has been a great pleasure to receive the positve comments and best wishes of fellow Rotarians by email.

However, I hope this Blogspot will become an interactive zone for great ideas and Rotary camaraderie so please feel free to leave you thoughts and ideas on the Blog. At the end of each article there is the word "comment" and an image of a pencil, so please click on this area and leave your comments.

Once again if you have a particular interest please feel free to contribute an article. If you would like to research one of the lesser known areas of Community Service and publish an article please feel free to do so. Below is a list of lesser known or maybe not as well supported District
Projects: -

  • Assistance for Elderly.
  • Life Education.
  • Red Sheild Appeal Participation.
  • Hope for the Children.
  • Red Cross Blood Bank Support.
  • Australian Cord Blood Bank.
  • Suicide Prevention.
  • District Awards.
  • Millennium Foundation.
  • Melanoma and Skin Cancer Research.
  • The Rotary Shelter Box Program.
  • Wheelchair Foundation.
There are other areas of service as outlined in the KwickStart Planning Mannual 2005-2006, pages 7 to 11, and I'm hoping here that the District Chairperson of each project will be able to submit a detail presentation of their portfolios.

The other area of Community Service that clubs participate in are the community projects or activities like :-

  • Australia Day Celebrations.
  • The Special Construction Project your club is involved with.
  • Community Service Awards.
  • Drought Relief.
  • Citizenship Awards.
Let's hear about the local content of this aspect of Community Service.

A lot of what can be found on this blog is in the KwickStart Planning Manual but I hope this blogspot will become a quick ready reference for this material for those that can't find their manual or those who have never heard of such a manual.

If there is a desperate community need in your community that you think is not being addressed then write an article and submit it for publication on this blogspot.

If you have any contributions regarding format or presentation of the blogspot or areas of interest that could be covered even some humorous stories, jokes or pictures and cartoons that would add to the tone of the blogspot they would be appreciated.

If you don't have time to write an article but have some interesting news drop me an email or give me a call on 65683359 and we will write it up for you.

For a great Powerpoint presentation click on the following web site address, and follow through until you come to Community Service.

Become a Rotarian Blogger today and submit a thought or two to promote "service above self" in District 9650.

Why I Blog.

Blogging for District 9650.

By Peter Shea District Chair 2005-2006 for Community Service.

In being appointed as District Chair I have felt a need to do some soul searching as to why I’ve taken on this role and my goals and vision for myself in this role.

I have considered a number of metaphors to help explain what I feel needs to be done in this role. I have a belief there is a need to do something practical and to define the role in my own mind for my own benefit, find best practice for the role and then lift the bar.

Two metaphors have been crystallizing in my mind. They are the metaphors of interfacing and ploughing. In watching the ABC ‘New Inventors” I was intrigued by a new plough that didn’t turn over the soil from top to bottom thus disturbing the mirco life in the sub soil but rotated in a horizontal fashion so leaving the substrata intact and in effect aerating the soil allowing a better flow of nutrients.

The other metaphor is that of interfacing as in computer sciences. To interface means to connect and to my understanding this is clearly demonstrated in the computer environment. The computer is made up of discreet units that need to be connected to perform the functions of computing. This was amply demonstrated at two recent Rotary meetings.

In the first meeting the ability to communicate with the audience was dependent on the correct interfacing of the PA system to project the speakers voice to her audience. There was a flurry of activity when the speaker could not be heard—numerous offers to help resulted in trying to get the correct interface between the speaker and audience with the flicking of switches, the dialing of knobs but in the end it was the classical problem—the power had not been turned on.

At the second meeting the program was dependent on a Power Point presentation and sophisticated modern technology but classically once again--the ability to get the message out to the audience failed again because the computer was not plugged into the mains power.

For any system to work efficiently it is critical that all subsystems are interfaced correctly. Rotary is a sophisticated organization that depends on the correct interfacing of all the systems that make up Rotary International.

In my role as District Chairperson I see my role being defined as one of promoting and checking the interfacing of all system in the Community Service portfolio. In a district as big and wide flung, as 9650 this is a daunting task. My dream world would be to have access to modern voice and image technology to promote Community Service. However, this is not likely to eventuated in the near future but then there are other aspects of modern communications mediums that can assist in my desire to ensure a complete, effective and efficient interface of all our available information, resources and ideas at all levels. This is not to say that Rotary is not engaged in this very activity but this is my effort to contribute to the to the promotion of the flow of Rotary power to all levels of the Rotary structure, or if you prefer the ploughing metaphor to promote a flow of intellectual nutrients to Community Service at a district level.

My thinking on the role of District Chair was married to my interested in blogging and the Internet. The Internet with Websites and Blogging are possibilities. Why blogging? An article written by Erin Biba in the Sydney Morning Herald, June 14, 2005, further captured my interest.

Biba’s article is based on the work of three others professionals that use and promote blogging. Albert Scoble, Richard Giles and Trevor Cook

Scoble a Mircosoft executive who is writing a blog posted on the company’s central database at, “tells it as it is by not bowing to corporate PR language”.

Giles a Manager for Sun Micro Systems, Australia writes, “You get news a lot quicker even before it is picked up by the mainstream press. Giles again says, “reading corporate blogs gives him an insight into the ““hive mind”” of the corporate community. If you read enough bloggs … you get to understand what a community thinks rather than just what one person thinks.” .. “Blogs facilitate communities because they are not just corporate advertisements or corporate PR”.

Australia Blogger Trevor Cook says, “talking through blogs allows companies to show their customers a more personal side—one that has a unique voice separate from the tortured language of corporate speakers—who say things like our “solution focused attempts””.

“It also allows customers to post comments directly to the people in the company who make decisions. Companies that allow blogging give customers a different look at a company they thought they knew”.

Cook again, “Blogging makes company organizations more porous so people can drill down and find the person who works on the product instead of the hard outer shell”.

“Bogging is opening up the most elusive demographic of generation y. The 18-34 group are the most technological advanced generation to date. Company blogs help them create the belief, I see that I am aligned with this particular brand in the way they think and the way they talk”.

“If you can’t trust your employers to blog honestly about the company, then you had better look at the company”.

In reading this business related article on blogging I can see some parallels between business organizations and Rotary as a community organization. There are some lessons to be drawn here and I will leave it for you to make a basic judgments as to how closely Rotary follows business practices and principles.

Can blogging be used to interface between club members, between clubs, between local clubs and the general community?

Blogging like any other media instrument can be used to promote: -

٠ transparency with Rotary and the community.
٠ quick transition of Rotary culture into the community.
٠ to personalize Rotary into the community.
٠ to open dialogue between Rotarian to Rotarian and Rotarian to non-members.

It is not my desire to turn clubs and their traditions on their heads because as in my first visit as a guest speaker at the Woolgoolga Rotary Club I felt like I was taking coal to Newcastle because this club is a model club for showing the true Rotary spirit of Service Above Self. I have asked that the President’s response to my presentation be written up so that I can post it as an example of what a dynamic club is doing in Community Service. I’m sure that there are many other dynamic local clubs. My hope is that the membership will open up to the spirit of blogging and that this site will be a wealth, in fact a “common wealth”, of information and resources for clubs to better promote Community Service in their local community by allowing a flow of ideas from member to member and club to club.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Banks Committs Team To Community Service

By Peter Shea District Chair 9650 for Community Service

Nambucca Heads Rotary Club's commitment to Community Service will return large dividends according to new president Dave Banks.

Dave Banks is the incoming President for the Rotary Club of Nambucca Heads. In his presidential speech in his response to the outgoing President’s toast he has committed the club to an active program in the local community. I have included Dave’s goals as he presented them at the Changeover. This article is included on to share with the other clubs in District 9650.

Presidential Presentation 2005 Nambucca Heads Rotary Club.

I propose to make 2005/06 another great year for Rotary at Nambucca Heads
My theme will be “Rotary & our Community”. With this theme in mind I want to have Rotary assist local community groups to become more self funding & to attract Government grants where possible.

By Rotary assisting many community group funding schemes, our Rotary Club will be seen as a motivated Community group.

The upkeep of the Gordon Park BBQ will as of July 1 become the responsibility of VRA Sea Rescue. The funds generated will pass through Rotary & be presented to VRA as a donation

The Bowraville Phoenix have been allocated $ 2,500 to assist them to become more self funding. We will be involved in several projects, including improvements the restaurant .

The Bowraville Central School owns 10 plastic canoes, I would forecast that if the canoes are not replaced 2 at a time they will all become unseaworthy & unusable.
I want to arrange a manager to hire & maintain these canoes. Rotary Nambucca will assist in raising funds.

The Car Sales Project will involve local community groups to assist in self funding themselves & will provide a great focus for Rotary in the local community.

I want to look at Ern Hunters respite care services situation to see where we can help.

After being Director for New Generations this year I now have a better understanding of how to make use of Rotary Programes, and want to enthuse and promote more youth with the help of Errol Noble.

I would like to see Nambucca Rotary participate in a FAIM trip to the South Pacific region this year.

The Rotary Services sign at Nambucca turnoff is in a poor state, I have contacted Country Energy to provide us with 2 poles to replace the existing. A working Bee with the other Services clubs will be arranged.

A Bridge to Bridge novelty race day at Macksville with Macksville Rotary and the four Lions Clubs will be promoted during the warmer months

A one day Mystery bus tour is being organised. Destination is a secret

We need all interested members to assist with the various committee directors.
My primary objective this year is to have a good time at Rotary as the President & make it enjoyable for all other members. I would like to achieve positive exposure for our Rotary Club & to encourage new members.

Thank you,

Dave Banks

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Rotary District 9650 Community Service

Watch this space for development of a District Resource for promoting Service Above Self in District 9650.

This service will be provided by Peter Shea District Chairperson for Community Service.

Any ideas for promoting Community Service would be welcome.

If you have a brief summary of what your club does, a new project commenced, or your program and picture of Community Service Director please email details to